Malawi: ACB Given 14 Days to Disclose Money Spent On Investigating, Prosecuting Discontinued Case

In a quest of transparency and accountability, a grouping of CSOs in the country have demanded the Anti-Corruption Bureau (ACB) should, within 14 days from 8th May, update Malawians on its position regarding the discontinued cases and disclose the amount of money spent on investigating and prosecuting these matters.

Some of the discontinued include: such as The State v Directors of Paramount Holdings Ltd, where the accused faced charges related to government procurement deals. Other cases include The State v Dr. Cassim Chilumpha (now resuscitated) and The State v Bakili Muluzi, with the latter involving K1.7 billion. Additionally, the Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP) halted proceedings in The State v Directors of Mapeto David Whiteheads & Sons, a K16.5 billion tax evasion case, as well as the Anderson Mwakiyeru cases. Recently, it was revealed that the DPP has also dropped the corruption case against the Vice President (The State v Saulos Chilima).

In their press briefing held Wednesday evening in Lilongwe, the CSOs have blatantly condemned the DPP saying the discontinuing cases amounts to misuse of his discontinuance powers something which undermines anti-corruption efforts, allowing wrongdoers to evade consequences and fostering a culture of impunity.

"This erodes public trust in the justice system, affecting perceptions of fairness and discouraging investment. The development partners, witnessing such lapses in accountability, may view the country as high-risk for their investments and aid initiatives, potentially leading to reduced support and cooperation. Ultimately, this poses a threat to the nation's integrity, development, and adherence to the rule of law," said NAP coordinator, Benedicto Mbewe.

The grouping has since called for the need to amend the legislation to clarify and strengthen the limitations on the Director of Public Prosecutions' (DPP) powers to discontinue cases, adding this should ensure alignment with constitutional principles and international justice standards.

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