Zimbabwe: PSL Engage Zifa Over Match-Officiating

17 April 2024

The Premier Soccer League has added its voice to the chorus of concerns over some questionable match officiating being experienced in the top-flight and has engaged ZIFA to try and find solutions.

On a day in which they also sought to end a worrying impasse between clubs and referees, the PSL want ZIFA to carry due diligence on some of the match officials they believe are threatening to spoil what has been an exciting start to the 2024 season.

The league also warned of stern action against coaches and players who harass referees. It emerged yesterday that PSL chief executive Kenny Ndebele has engaged his ZIFA counterpart Yvonne Manwa on the problems between referees and clubs.

The PSL is worried by the threat to the integrity of their brand, which reports constant poor officiating presents.

"We write to bring to your attention some concerns that have been expressed by various clubs about the quality of match officiating during Premier Soccer League matches. These complaints revolve around perceived inconsistencies and allegations of poor officiating by some match officials," Ndebele said. "The integrity and credibility of the competition depends on the quality and impartiality of match officiating.

Therefore, we request the Zimbabwe Football Association to conduct a comprehensive review of match officiating during Premier Soccer League matches.

"We further request you to look into the ethical conduct of the match officials. They must remain unbiased and uphold the highest standards of integrity.

"We appeal to the ZIFA Referees Committee to review the current recruitment and selection process for match officials to ensure that all officials are competent, impartial, and qualified to oversee Premier Soccer League matches.

"We further recommend that match officials are cleared by the Referees Committee before handling practice matches. This measure will help ensure that officiating at all levels is consistent and subject to appropriate oversight."

Ndebele also wants the PSL to be updated on those errant match officials who would have been sanctioned.

"The PSL is aware that the Referees Committee has previously taken disciplinary action against errant officials.

"We request that you keep us informed on the disciplinary proceedings and outcomes of the proceedings," he said.

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