Egypt: FM Meets Arab Counterparts, Rejects Threats to Navigational Security in Red Sea

Minister of Foreign Affairs Sameh Shoukry expressed on Tuesday 14/5/2024 his full rejection of threats to navigational security in the Red Sea, during a meeting with his Yemeni counterpart Shayea Mohsen Al-Zindani, in the Bahraini capital, Manama.

Tensions in the Red Sea have led several shipping companies to divert their ships from the Suez Canal, where 12 percent of global trade used to cross, around the much-longer Cape of Good Hope route.

Despite efforts by a United States-led naval coalition to counter the attacks, the Houthis have continued to target ships in the Red Sea especially those linked to Israel, the US, and the UK.

During the meeting, held on the sidelines of the ministerial meeting of the Arab League Council in preparation for the 33rd Arab Summit, Shoukry was keen to hear Al-Zindani's evaluation of the latest developments in Yemen.

According to the Egyptian foreign ministry, both diplomats' discussions addressed the regional and international efforts to establish peace and reaching a sustainable solution to the Yemeni crisis.

Shoukry further stressed Egypt's firm commitment to supporting efforts to reach such a solution in order to preserve the unity, sovereignty and territorial integrity of Yemen.

This solution shall be based on the United Nations references, the outcomes of the Yemeni national dialogue, and the relevant Gulf and Arab resolutions, the ministry added.

Furthermore, the meeting touched on areas of bilateral cooperation between the two countries and ways to enhance and develop them, where Shoukry stressed Egypt's steadfast position on supporting the government and people of Yemen.

Egypt's top diplomat also affirmed his aspiration to resume the strategic dialogue mechanism between Egypt and Yemen, headed by the two foreign ministers.

For his part, the Yemeni FM expressed his thanks to the leadership and people of Egypt, and his appreciation for Cairo's balanced and supportive role towards enhancing stability in Yemen and supporting the Yemeni people.

He also praised Egypt's hosting of large numbers of Yemeni people on its lands and its commitment to providing them with all services.

According to the ministry, Shoukry also met with his Jordanian and Iraqi counterparts, where he stressed the importance of intensifying cooperation within the tripartite mechanism as a model for joint Arab action.

Moreover, the Egyptian FM and his Syrian counterpart Faisal Mekdad exchanged views on ways to resolve the Syrian crisis and end the suffering of the Syrian people, stressing ongoing consultation between Egypt and Syria to strengthen bilateral relations.

Earlier Tuesday, Shoukry led Egypt's delegation to the inaugural session of the Arab League Council at the Foreign ministers' level, in preparation for the 33rd Arab Summit.

Shoukry's participation includes discussions on various Arab issues, at the top of which is the Palestinian cause and ways to end the Israeli war on Gaza.

Ahram Online

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