Uganda: Arson Suspected in Tragic Busia School Fire

19 March 2024

A fire engulfed Victory Nursery and Primary School in Busia, claiming the lives of four pupils in the early hours Monday morning.

Police authorities have linked the blaze to possible arson, as investigations into the tragic incident unfold.

The fire, which ravaged the boys' dormitory, erupted around midnight while the pupils were asleep, leaving behind a scene of destruction.

The dormitory, a roofless structure accommodating over 62 children from primary one to seven, now lies in ruins, reduced to ashes along with valuable property including books, mattresses, and clothes.

"We are treating this as a potential case of arson," remarked Moses Mugwe, Police PRO for Bukedi South.

According to Fred Wabwire, the school director, only one teacher was present on the premises at the time of the fire. The teacher promptly alerted the authorities.

The tragic news has prompted an influx of parents rushing to the school to collect their children, their hearts heavy with grief and concern.

"We are devastated by this tragedy. Our hearts go out to the families affected by this heartbreaking loss," said Getruce Athieno, a parent overcome with sorrow.

In response to the incident, police have ordered the temporary closure of the school as investigations continue to unfold, aiming to shed light on the circumstances surrounding the fire.

Meanwhile, the remains of the four pupils have been transferred to Busia Health Centre IV, where they await DNA testing before being released to their bereaved relatives for burial.

"Our priority now is to ensure a thorough investigation is conducted to ascertain the cause of the fire and bring those responsible to justice," Mugwe said.

The quest for justice and accountability remains paramount, as Busia mourns the loss of four young lives taken too soon in the wake of a devastating school fire.

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