Africa: Nation to Host World's First UN Africa Gastronomy Forum

Zimbabwe will host the first of its kind United Nations Africa Gastronomy Forum this year, as the country continues to demonstrate that it is a formidable force in terms of hosting key regional and global events.

The event will be held in Victoria Falls from July 26 to 28, at a time Government is in the process of establishing a Gastronomy Tourism Academy in the resort town to serve locals and the whole of Africa.

First Lady Dr Auxillia Mnangagwa, who is the country's tourism patron, is the face behind gastronomy tourism after introducing the traditional cookout competition beginning in 2020.

The programme has been a major success, culminating in the first-of-its-kind regional traditional gastronomy tourism festival that has now spilled into a world event.

Dr Mnangagwa has since let the Ministry of Tourism and Hospitality Industry take over the running of the traditional cookout competition.

Speaking during a post-Cabinet briefing yesterday, Information, Publicity and Broadcasting Services Minister, Dr Jenfan Muswere, said Cabinet received a report on the hosting of the First United Nations Tourism Africa Gastronomy Forum, as presented by Tourism and Hospitality Industry Minister, Barbara Rwodzi.

"Zimbabwe was chosen to host the forum in the wake of an exceptional exhibition of the country's culture and cuisine by a Zimbabwean delegation at a similar forum held in Spain in October 2023.

"The prestigious event in Victoria Falls will further validate His Excellency the President's untiring efforts to establish our country as a global leader in Heritage-based Tourism and Hospitality," he said.

Dr Muswere said Zimbabwe received 100 scholarships from UN Tourism, during the Forum in Spain, targeting Zimbabwean beneficiaries.

The scholarships have all been taken up by students in culinary departments and schools across Zimbabwe.

All the country's ten provinces benefitted from the scholarships.

The First Lady's initiative on traditional foods cookout competitions also set the platform for the growth in gastronomy tourism where people visit countries to sample exotic cuisine.

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