Nigeria: University Governing Councils - ASUU Issues Fresh Ultimatum to Tinubu

The universities have operated without a governing council for close to a year since Mr Tinubu dissolved them in June.

The Academic Staff Union of Universities (ASUU) on Tuesday issued President Bola Tinubu a two-week ultimatum to reinstate the dissolved governing councils of Nigerian universities.

Since Mr Tinubu dissolved the councils last June, the universities have operated without governing councils. The dissolution affected all public institutions, including polytechnics and colleges of education.

In a statement signed by the union's president, Emmanuel Osodeke, a professor of soil science, ASUU described the dissolution as illegal and contrary to the Universities Miscellaneous Act.

The union said the 'illegal dissolution' has paved the way for illegalities in the Nigerian university system.

Therefore, ASUU asked Mr Tinubu to reinstate those whose tenure had yet to elapse and reconstitute those whose tenure had elapsed.

Though the union didn't expressly say it would embark on a strike, it noted that it would reconvene in two weeks to review the situation and "take a decisive action to address the issues."

Details later...

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