On a typical day, more than 500 articles are posted on allAfrica.com—in English and French. Below is a brief guide to how the site is organized.

Headlines: For when you are in a hurry

You can see the most important current news from all over the continent in Top Headlines on the home page — selected by our editors to give you a quick overview of the latest developments. New stories cycle through the headlines box all day.

Top News: ranked stories displaying the headline and first paragraph

The Top News view gives first paragraphs of all the day's stories from across the continent, grouped by date and ranked by our editors for news value. Key stories lead each day's list, and every page contains 25 articles. You can work your way back through several days of stories by clicking on the numbered boxes at the bottom of each page in this section (for example, 25-50 calls up the previous 25 stories). Top News is the default view for specific country pages and is also available for topical sections, such as "Business" and "Sports" (see below). To go directly to the main Top News page, use the URL: https://allafrica.com/latest/bydate.

Latest News: headlines of stories as we post them

Our Latest News view includes everything we have on the site, displayed in the order in which it is posted. That often means you will find all the material from a publisher in a single run — a bonus when you're interested in the content of a particular magazine or newspaper. As with Top News, you can also retrieve older stories by clicking the numbered boxes at the bottom of the page, but if you're looking for a story from a particular date, Top News is a better bet. The Latest News view is also available for topical sections, such as "Business" and "Sports" (see below). To go directly to the main Latest News page, use the URL: https://allafrica.com/latest/newswire.

Country news: If you want news about one particular country

On the top right-hand bar of every page there is a pull-down "Countries" menu. Click on the box and scroll down or back up through the list by clicking on the down or up arrows. (You can find the desired country more quickly by typing its first letter after you click inside the box.) Click on the country you want, which will position it in the box; then click on "Go!" and you will be taken to that country's page. You'll a find a list of stories, each one showing the first paragraph (the Top News view), with today's items at the top. You can choose business stories relating to your selected country's region by clicking the business line in the "Links" box on the left side of the page.

Business News: for corporate and economic news

Scroll down the Home page until you can see the "Topics" menu in the left column and click on "Business and Economy" to get to Top Business Headlines. You can also use Business Top News — a view that includes the first paragraph of each story, sorted by date — or Business Latest News, where you can see all the business stories on the site as we post them. You can retrieve older stories by clicking on the numbered boxes at the bottom of the page. There are special pages for stock market and currency news as well; see the links in the "Topics" menu.

Sports News: For Soccer and a wide range of other sports and competitions

On the Home page, go to the "Topics" menu in the left column and click on "Sport" or on "Soccer." You will go to a view of Top Sport Headlines or Top Soccer Headlines, where you'll see the most important recent stories. You can also see Sport Top News or Soccer Top News, views that include the first paragraph of each story, sorted by date; or Sport Latest News and Soccer Latest News, where you can track all the sport and soccer stories as we post them. There are special pages for "Olympics" and "Athletics" news too.

Regional News: For stories from a particular region of Africa

If you want to see the most important and up-to-date stories from east, west, north, central or southern Africa, click on our "Regions" menu on the upper left-hand column of every page. You will get 25 headlines of the most important, current regional news. The "Links" box in the left column of each regional page offers Top News and Latest News views of the stories, if you want to see first paragraphs or watch articles as they arrive. (See Top News and Latest News above for fuller explanations of these views.) Each regional "Links" box also has a list of links to the story pages of every country included in that region.

If you want to read stories about a particular area of interest

You'll find a menu of "Topics" half way down the left column of every page. This includes a wide range of subjects and types of story; you can opt to view stories about arts and entertainment, editorial comment from newspapers, education, health, religion, and US relations with Africa, among others. These are listed by date, with the first paragraph of each story displayed.

Searching: If your chosen topic is not displayed, or for information on a particular event

You can use our search engine. At the top of every page, slightly to the left, you can see a field in which you can write the keywords you wish to use. Then click on search and a list of search results will appear on a fresh page. They are ordered by date, with newest stories listed first. The searchable database extends back to 1996 and includes our entire archive of more than 7 million articles.

Printing a page from this site

To print a story, use the Print This Page button at the top right of each story. This opens the story in a new browser window (with the word "printable" in the URL). It is designed to avoid any problems with margins on any printer. After printing, you will want to close the page to return to the page you were reading on the site.

If you wish to print the home page or any of our section front pages (the ones with headlines), you may need to set the left and right margins as small as possible. You can do this on the newer versions (only) of most browsers using the "print view" option. It may also help to choose a smaller text size on your browser (before opening "print view")

Finding out more about our partner publishers and other information sources

If you'd like to get information about the specific publishers that are credited at the top of a story page, click on the name you want. You will go to a list of publishers and the one you have selected will be at the top. We provide contact details and, where available, a link to the publisher's web site. These details must be updated constantly; please let us know if a link doesn't work, or a contact address is inaccurate. And do visit our partners' sites from time to time! We also post selected material from official and non-governmental organizations. To view the complete list of content providers, click here.

Finding out more about us

To learn more about AllAfrica Global Media, go to Who We Are.

AllAfrica publishes around 500 reports a day from more than 100 news organizations and over 500 other institutions and individuals, representing a diversity of positions on every topic. We publish news and views ranging from vigorous opponents of governments to government publications and spokespersons. Publishers named above each report are responsible for their own content, which AllAfrica does not have the legal right to edit or correct.

Articles and commentaries that identify allAfrica.com as the publisher are produced or commissioned by AllAfrica. To address comments or complaints, please Contact us.