Washington, D.C. — The following document was released by the Corporate Council on Africa on February 8, 1999: The Corporate Council on Africa announced today that H.E. Festus Mogae, President of the Republic of Botswana will participate in the 1999 Attracting Capital to Africa Summit, at the Houstonian Hotel, April 24-28, 1999, in Houston, Texas.
On the challenges of globalization, President Mogae said, "As we all know, globalisation is the rapid integration of economies world-wide through trade, financial flows, technology spillovers, information networks, and their cross-cultural currents. No country can escape this phenomenon. The challenge for Africa to participate in and benefit from the global economy is for governments to put in place policies which will allow the private sector, particularly the small and medium-size sector, to thrive and develop."
Botswana has been chosen as one of the recipients of the 1999 Global Marketplace Awards. These five awards are given biannually to countries that have opened their economies to the world market. With one of the fastest rates of growth in Sub-Saharan Africa and one of the most well managed economies, it is not surprising that Botswana will be given this honor. U.S. businesses continue to find opportunities for participation in Botswana. Other 1999 awardees will include Ghana, Egypt, Mauritius and Namibia.
The April 24-28, 1999 Attracting Capital to Africa Summit will bring together African Heads of State, senior U.S. decision-makers and private sector representatives from both continents for serious and candid discussions aimed at enhancing economic activity on the continent. Building on the momentum of the 1997 Attracting Capital to Africa Summit, which was the largest business meeting ever held on Africa in the U.S., the 1999 Summit will underscore the importance of Africa in the global economy.
Seven leading American businessmen will Co-Chair this Summit. They are Kenneth Derr, Chairman and CEO, Chevron; Ken Lay, Chairman and CEO, Enron; Lou Noto, Chairman and CEO, Mobil; Lee Raymond, Chairman and CEO, Exxon; Maurice Tempelsman, Chairman, Lazare Kaplan International, Inc.; Kase Lawal, Chairman, CAMAC Holdings; and Frank Kennedy, CEO and President, HSBC Equator Bank.
We urge to mark your calendar and participate in the 1999 Attracting Capital to Africa Summit, April 24-28, 1999, at the Houstonian Hotel in Houston Texas.
For more information on the Summit, contact David H. Miller, Executive Director, (p) 202-835-1115/(f)202-835-1117
For Press Information, contact Mary Swann, Public Relations Director(p) 202-835-1115/(f)202-835-1117 (e-mail) dhmiller@africacncl.org (e-mail) mswann@africacncl.org