13 October 1999
press release

Addis Ababa — 12-13 October - Ad-Hoc Expert Group Meeting on 'Qualitative & Quantity Data for Policy Analysis'. Focal Division: Economic and Social Policy Division (ESPD). Contact: Ms. Elizabeth Wolde Mariam, Tel: 251-1-51 72 00 ext. 33384, Fax: 251-1-51 03 89, E- mail:

22-23 October - African Technical Advisory Committee Meeting (ATAC). Focal Division: Development Information Services Division (DISD). Contact: Ms. Nancy Hafkin, Tel: 251-1-51 72 00 ext. 33562, Fax: 251-1- 51 05 12, E -mail:

22-23 October - Global Information Infrastructure Commission-Africa (GIIC-Africa) meeting. Focal Division: DISD. Contact: Ms. Nancy Hafkin, Tel: 251-1-51 72 00 ext. 33562, Fax: 251-1-51 05 12, E -mail:

24-28 October - The First African Development Forum: 'The Challenge to Africa of Globalisation and the Information Age'. Focal Division: DISD. Co-coordinator: Ms. Kate Wild, Tel: 251-1-517200 ext. 33203, Fax: 251-1-51 05 12, E -mail:

29-30 October - Global Knowledge Partnership & Global Knowledge II Planning Meeting. Focal Division: DISD. Contact: Ms. Nancy Hafkin, Tel: 251-1-51 72 00 ext. 33562, Fax: 251-1-51 05 12, E -mail:

Peter K.A. da Costa Senior Communication Adviser Economic Commission for Africa (ECA) United Nations P.O. Box 3001 (official mail) Addis Ababa Ethiopia Tel: +251-1-51 58 26 Cell: +251-9-20 17 94 Fax: +251-1- 51 03 65 E-Mail: Web:


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