ADF Ends With Concrete Initiatives On The Table

28 October 1999
press release

Addis Ababa — The following are concrete partnership initiatives that emerged in the course of the first African Development Forum, which ended today. Some 750 representatives of governments, civil society, the private sector, UN agencies and bilateral and multilateral partners took part.

A preliminary report of the Forum, entitled "The Way Forward to a people- centred African Information Society" is available on the ADF web site (see below for address) or on request.

Schoolnet Africa: A working group has been established to move forward the implementation of Schoolnet Africa, a continent-wide initiative aimed at an African generation of critical thinkers who will play a major role in the global information society. The working group agreed to meet within 6 months to review a concrete programme of action.

Biz2BizNet: A group of 15 representatives of companies, business associations, and chambers of commerce have agreed to launch a Biz2Biz network initiative, which commits itself to advancing the interests of Micro and Small Enterprises in Africa. Beijing+5 Women's Networking Activities: An electronic discussion forum has been formed to focus on the impact of ICTs on women in Africa (to be launched at the 6th African Regional Conference on Women in Addis Ababa in November.)

Civil Society ICT Network Initiative: Over 40 non-governmental and community based organizations made a firm commitment to set up a civil society network in ICT. This network will be dedicated to exchanging information, building capacity for policy understanding and enhancing the effective use of ICTs for development and empowerment.

Telecentre Network: People from 6 African countries agreed to build a network of telecentre operators and supporters to develop a manual, computer recycling strategies, identifying e-commerce opportunities at community level, improving services for disabled people and sharing evaluation methodologies and outcomes. Diaspora Database: The Diaspora group will create a database of Diaspora groups already active and working for Africa's development as a means to linking needs to sources of support.

Diaspora, ICTs & Development in Africa: The Diaspora group will oversee: the production of a special journal edition devoted to the various ways that the Diaspora can harness ICTs to promote Africa's development; an edited book on the same theme; and an online journal.

Mobilising Intellectual Capital: The group will also develop a distance learning system that intellectualises indigenous knowledge and get it to people in rural parts of Africa.

Linking Diaspora with Africa via Telecentres: The Diaspora group will initiate a project to link Diaspora groups with their communities in Africa using multipurpose telecentres.

Malawi ADF National Plan of Action: The Vice President of Malawi, RT. Honorable Justin Malewezi, has decided to form a Committee, from among the delegates of his country, to integrate the fundamental issues raised at this conference into a national plan of action. This Committee includes government, the private sector and think tanks.

African Distance Learning Programme: A task force for the African Distance Learning Programme (ADLP) has been convened. Provisionally the task force will include participation by Egypt, South Africa, Mozambique and Namibia and other interested countries. The programme aims at using ICTs for the provision of distance learning in Africa. The group recommends the drafting of a conceptual framework for the ADLP for completion by mid December 1999. This will include digital systems design, content design, communication and networking and local training and support facilities.

GAIA - Global Access Information Agency: This project defined at ADF will reduce the price of information age services for end users in Africa. It is based on: recycling computers from developed countries; the development and use of 'copy left'/free software; and the training and the connection of end users. The initiative will be promoted by a coalition of ADF participants from several countries who are coming together to implement the initiative.

The full text of all speeches, statements, press releases and summaries are available on the ADF Home Page at: They are supported by video and audio clips of keynote addresses and other major moments. This site also includes the programme, list of participants, theme papers and other relevant background documents.

For more information, please contact: Peter da Costa Senior Communication Adviser Economic Commission for Africa P.O. Box 3001 Addis Ababa Ethiopia Tel: +251-1-51 58 26 Fax: +251-1-51 03 65 Cell: +251-9-20 17 94 E-mail: or Web:


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