Zambia: People Need Self-Control, Says Motsepe

South African actress and singer Lesego Motsepe has died.
22 September 2002
The Post (Lusaka)

WE are facing the harsh realities of HIV/AIDS because we lack self restraint, visiting South African actress Lesego Motsepe has said.

In an interview, Motsepe, popularly known as 'Letti Matabane' in South African soap opera Isidingo - The need, said this generation of the youth had all the information it needed to confront AIDS than wait for scientific cure.

"Information is power. The young must understand that sexual intercourse is about two people who don't need the whole nation to find an answer to HIV/AIDS or tell them the dangers," she said. Motsepe said people needed self control. She said what was cardinal in HIV/AIDS control was a youth crusade that would emphasise that it takes one who makes a bed to use it and in this regard the responsibility of the spread of AIDS was everyone's. Motsepe said at 28 years she had come to learn that whatever a person could do, respect for their culture and elders was key to overcoming obstacles of the modern world. She said while leaders, scientists and celebrities could help in addressing the pandemic or its consequences it was a personal responsibility to take stock of own actions, especially in bed when it mattered most.

Motsepe, a diploma holder in drama, commenting on her acting career said she did not want to be a celebrity but admitted recognition was the most wonderful thing one could get. She said her dream was to feature in a Shakespeare production, familiarise herself with Soyinka and many other great African actors and writers but that the art industry had changed and become very 'Hollywood'.

The unmarried Motsepe described herself as very loving and a Christian born from a family of three with her as the only female child. She said the challenges of acting when in love was proving your role in a drama cast was a complete difference of your natural self. Motsepe said the romantic acts in a production had to be communicated to both family and lovers to avoid misunderstandings.

"Jealous is the natural reaction of man and the first instinct is to protect people you live with and I believe I proved that," said Motsepe.

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