Senator Barack Obama, Congressmen Ed Royce and Donald Payne and Forrest Sawyer of MSNBC Join in Africa Society's Tribute to Senator Richard G. Lugar and Congressman Charles B. Rangel

2 November 2005
press release

Tickets available for November 9 Luncheon on Capitol Hill

Senator Barack Obama (D-Illinois), Congressman Ed Royce (R-California) and Congressman Donald M. Payne (D-New Jersey) will pay tribute to fellow Members of Congress, Senator Richard G. Lugar (R-Indiana) and Congressman Charles B. Rangel (D-New York), honorees of The Africa Society of the National Summit on Africa's Annual Visionaries Award. MSNBC journalist, Forrest Sawyer, will be the keynote speaker for the Visionaries Award Luncheon to be held on Wednesday, November 9, 2005 on Capitol Hill at the Cannon Caucus Room from 12:00 to 2:30 p.m.

Senator Lugar, Chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, and Congressman Rangel, Ranking Member of the House Committee on Ways and Means are both longstanding, effective leaders in championing key legislative initiatives benefiting the continent of Africa. Senator Lugar, who has served in the U.S. Senate longer than any other representative from Indiana, is an unwavering advocate of U.S. leadership in the world, strong national security, free-trade and economic growth. Recognized as a statesman by his colleagues, Senator Lugar is known for championing the peaceful resolution of conflict throughout Africa - from Algeria to South Africa. His commitment to the continent of Africa was demonstrated decades ago when he spearheaded action in the Senate to secure passage of the Anti-Apartheid Act of 1986 to call for the release from imprisonment of Nelson Mandela.

Senator Lugar and Congressman Rangel were both "godfathers" who pioneered passage of the historic African Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA) in 2000, as well as the two successive iterations of this free trade agreement that were passed in the Congress. Congressman Rangel was also an ardent champion for the end of apartheid in South Africa and strongly advocated for corporate divestment in this country. He has consistently pursued legislative initiatives to generate increased U.S. Congressional support for development assistance, in addition to strengthening provisions for U.S. trade and investment. Whether serving his constituents in East and Central Harlem or protecting the civil, human and economic rights of people around the globe, Congressman Rangel is always leading the fight for justice and equity.

According to Africa Society President and CEO, Leonard H. Robinson, Jr., "Both Senator Lugar and Congressman Rangel have left their imprints on U.S. policy vis a vis Africa. They have had exemplary vision and determination resulting in concrete and positive change for the continent. Their legislative actions have fostered mutual respect and understanding between Washington and the respective capitals of African nations. We are proud to showcase their contributions and acknowledge their many years of service and unwavering support."

Last year's honorees for the Visionaries Award were then-Chairman of the Subcommittee on Africa, Congressman Ed Royce, now Chairman of the House Subcommittee on International Terrorism and Nonproliferation, and Congressman Donald M. Payne, Ranking Member of the Subcommittee on Africa, Global Human Rights and International Operations.

Among the sponsors of the Award Luncheon are Discovery Communications, Inc., The Boeing Company, Mars Incorporated and AllAfrica Global Media (

The Africa Society is exclusively committed to educating all Americans about Africa. To join the Africa Society for this Award Luncheon, please call (202) 232-3862 or email for additional information.

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