Celtel Gets Awarded For Its Achievements in 2005

9 December 2005
Content from a Premium Partner
Celtel (Amsterdam)
press release

Celtel, the largest Pan African mobile phone company, turned many heads in Zambia and Tanzania, earlier this year. The cellular company took home a total of four awards highlighting their achievements in East and Southern Africa in 2005.

Celtel Tanzania was awarded for the second consecutive year as, Tanzania's top Telecoms and ICT Company, in 'East Africa's Most Respected Survey.'

The survey is conducted by PricewaterhouseCoopers and Nation Media Group in an endeavor to identify the top companies operating throughout East Africa. Running for six consecutive years, the survey has become a prestigious award among leading companies in East Africa.

The participants in the survey were categorized in industry, finance, services, products, telecommunications, and ICT, and hotels and tourism categories. The business community in the region greatly valued the survey as the awards are based on business leaders judging the business community. More than 400 CEO's across East Africa were approached to take part in the survey and gave their opinions either by telephone or face to fact interviews with Steadman group.

Further South on the African continent, Celtel Zambia was also celebrating. The company was presented with three awards of recognition by the Zambia Institute of Marketing, a regulatory and professional body that oversees marketing ethics, code of conduct performances, and best practices in the country. The awards were received during the Zambia Institute of Marketing Annual conference in November.

The first award the company received was the best corporate identity of the year award. This award was based on consumer images of the company, the most remembered symbol, corporate governance records, overall performance, corporate citizenship, company marketing orientation and social responsibility programs.

Next, ME2U was voted as the best consistent electronic advert in Zambia. This product was chosen because of its creativity, clarity of message, target market understanding of the campaign, and appropriateness of media utilized.

Another award Celtel took home was the best sales personality of the year award. This went to Celtel's Sales Director, Mr. Amon Jere.

On a global level, Celtel International was recently awarded the 'African Investor Infrastructure Deal of the Year' award in Johannesburg South Africa. The award follows the recent acquisition of Celtel International by MTC Kuwait in May, 2005. The acquisition by MTC Kuwait represents one of the largest corporate deals ever involving a company operating in sub-Sahara Africa.

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