Algeria: Record Numbers for Ninth All Africa Games

10 July 2007

Algiers — The All Africa Games are back in Algiers 29 years after the Algerian capital first hosted the event.

More than 9,000 athletes from 47 African countries will take part in the 9th All Africa Games from July 11 to 23.

So far 8,000 of the 9,700 athletes who have confirmed participation have arrived. The remaining 1,700 are expected to arrive by Tuesday afternoon.

A total of 3,800 referees will oversee athletes competing in 27 sports, up from the 22 which featured during the 2005 Games in Abuja, Nigeria.

The Algerian government has spent more than U.S. $100 million to renovate the eight villages housing athletes, and 1,000 Algerian and 450 foreign journalists have been accredited to cover the Games.

Parallel to the Games, the Supreme Council for Sport in Africa (SCSA) and the Association of National Olympic Committees of Africa (Anoca) will be meeting in the city. Three days after the All Africa Games, Algiers will also host the 2nd Afro-Asian Games, from July 26 to August 4.

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