South Africa: Cabinet Says Region 'United' on Zimbabwe

23 August 2007

Cape Town — The South African government said today that Southern African Development Community (SADC) leaders are "united in their resolve" to help Zimbabweans find "a lasting solution" to their socio-economic and political problems.

In a statement released after its regular weekly meeting, President Thabo Mbeki's cabinet denied media reports that SADC heads of state are divided on the way forward in Zimbabwe. It said the reports were 'misleading' and 'fictitious'.

This directly contradicts a report in the South African newspaper, Business Day, which said leaders at last week's SADC summit were 'at odds over Zimbabwe's controversial economic report, which they failed to adopt'.

The cabinet said it re-itereated the government's position that "the solution to the problems of Zimbabwe will come from Zimbabweans themselves agreeing on the steps to find a lasting solution for their country."

It also criticised media reports casting doubt on the efficacy of the Mbeki-facilitated talks between Zimbabwe's ruling and opposition parties, and supported Mbeki's assertions that the talks are on track.

"President Mbeki’s report on facilitating the Zimbabwean talks was well received by the Summit," the cabinet said. "Contrary to misleading and sensationalist media reports, the report indicated that the facilitated talks between the government of Zimbabwe and the opposition were on track and was confident these talks will deliver an agreement that will lay the foundation for free and fair elections in Zimbabwe."

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