South Africa: Arrest Warrant Issued for Police Chief

5 October 2007

Cape Town — An arrest warrant has been issued for South Africa's police chief and the president of Interpol Jackie Selebi.

Agencies report that the acting director of the National Prosecuting Authority (NPA), Mokotedi Mpshe, has decided to conduct a review of the case. It is implied that the warrant will not be acted upon pending the outcome of the review.

Selebi has recently become the centre of controversy over alleged links to organised crime, related to his friendship with businessman Glenn Agliotti.

Agliotti has been linked to the murder of well-known mining magnate Brett Kebble, who was ambushed in his car and shot  in a Johannesburg suburb in 2005.

Media reports have said the suspension of NPA director Vusi Pikoli by President Thabo Mbeki is also linked to the investigation of Selebi by the NPA special investigative unit, the Scorpions.

Statement on the Arrest Warrant

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