Uganda: AfDB President Hails Successful Bank Intervention in the Water and Sanitation Sector

Tunis — During his visit to Uganda, President Donald Kaberuka toured the Water and Sanitation Project at Mpigi town. The project aims at providing clean and safe drinking water and sanitation to this small town of about 19,000 people and six other rural towns in Uganda.

The President commended the programme as a model and success in the Bank's water interventions. He noted the strong ownership and commitment of the beneficiaries and the remarkable implementation progress.

The Small Towns Water Project, amounting to UA 18.41 million, is part of the Bank Group's support to Uganda's water and sanitation sector. The AfDB is the largest single donor, and will assume leadership and coordination of the water Sector within Development Partners Group effective October 2007.

The project has contributed to the revival of Mpigi town and the surrounding areas, which have experienced declining socio-economic growth since the 1970s. The extension of water supply and sanitation services has contributed to an increase in the number of educational institutions in the area, and promoted the retention of girls in schools. The President emphasized the need to ensure equity and sustainability of the services.

In spite of the successes indicated, major gaps remain with over 38% of the rural and 25% urban population lacking access to safe water and sanitation.

The President expressed Bank's continued attachment to the Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Initiative as well as different programmes of the African water facility.

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