Kenya: Building Bridges At Grassroots

8 January 2008

Nairobi — In this entry in his blog, Daudi Were of Nairobi tells of Kenyans who are reaching out to one another across ethnic barriers.

Kenyans pulling together - Kenya Election 2007

Saturday, January 5th, 2008 at 12:50 PM

I'd like to share two stories of grass root initiatives that Kenyans are taking to build bridges.

  1. Nafsi Afrika is a team of acrobats formed in 2000. Its acrobats come mainly from the Kawangware and Kibera slums in Nairobi. These two areas have been rocked by the violence of the past few days. Later on today this team of acrobats will build a human pyramid of acrobats from different tribes in a show of unity. To build a human pyramid you all need each other and you all support each other. The symbolism is fantastic. Check out their website and find out some background information from one of their leaders Ken Owino.
  2. REPACTED is a community based youth-to-youth organization. They are based in Nakuru. In the Free Area part of Nakuru most of the landlords are Kikuyu and most of the tenants are Luo they managed to get both groups together in a forum. One of the organisers Dennis Kimambo writes:

.. . it was a very fired meeting as both side tried to prove that they are right in what is happening at the end of the day we all agreed that the leadership should help with the problem nationally but as locals staying here in Nakuru as neighbours they agreed to refrain from violence and they will hold the same meetings every 3 days just to help one another with the tension and console those who have lost there family in other parts of the country, this was possible with the help of the chief of the area, as we continue to push for peace we are asking you to pray for this country.

Even though tensions and accusations are high they agreed to meet every 3 days! Fantastic.

My pride in my country, Kenya, is building up again!

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