OECD and AfDB Join Forces in the Fight Against Corruption

10 December 2008
Content from a Premium Partner
African Development Bank (Abidjan)
press release

The fight against corruption will gain momentum with the launch of the Anti-Bribery and Business Integrity in Africa initiative supported by the African Development Bank (AfDB) and the OECD.

As the world celebrates Anticorruption Day on the 9th of December, the Bank is pleased to announce the signature of this partnership and renew its commitment to support African countries in the area of governance.

"The fight against corruption - VP Zeinab El-Bakri, Vice President of the AfDB commented -is not only an African problem but it is a global problem. It requires concerted efforts. Through our partnership with OECD, we intend to leverage on our respective convening power and expertise to help the continent confront this challenge".

The two organizations agreed to work together to help African countries design and implement a menu of policies and practical measures to fight active bribery of public officials in connection with business transactions. The organizations also agreed to take a comprehensive approach and work on both the supply and the demand side of corruption.

While recognizing the need to improve the continent's business environment, the partnership will also focus on improving Africa's private sector competitiveness based on anti-bribery and business integrity standards and tools such as the African Union Convention on Combating Fraud and Corruption, the sub-regional Protocols, and the United Nations Convention against Corruption.

This collaboration will also allow the two organizations to mobilize assistance for capacity building needs identified by partner countries as priority concerns in their anti-bribery and business integrity efforts; and supporting regional-level capacity building efforts on crosscutting themes, collectively identified by all partner countries.

The partnership agreement was signed by Ms. Askey, Deputy Secretary General, OECD and Ms. El-Bakri, Vice President at AfDB.

The partnership is a part of a wider engagement by the Bank to step up its work in the area of governance, as highlighted in the recently issues Governance Strategy and Action Plan for 2008-2012 adopted in May 2008.

Governance Strategic Directions and Action Plan G A P 2 0 0 8 - 2 0 1 2

Carlos Santiso - c.santiso@afdb.org; Governance, Economic and Financial Management Department

Yvan Cliche E-mail: y.cliche@afdb.org / External Relations and Communication Unit - Tel.: +216 71 10 23 87

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