South Africa: Western Cape Results Delayed

24 April 2009

Cape Town — 12h50pm (SA Time) In what has been coined the most contested election since liberation in 1994, the ANC has already secured a two-thirds majority.

Results sourced from Politicsweb show that the African National Congress has crossed the nine million voter mark securing 67.12 percent of the vote. The Democratic Alliance remain the official opposition with over two million votes and 'new kid on the block,' the Congress of People, have secured the third spot reaching over one million voters.

According to a South African radio station, SAFM, the province of Kwa-Zulu Natal is still lagging behind in vote-counting and the Western Cape results which should have been announced at noon today has been delayed after the electoral commission was forced to vacate the premises they hired for the purposes of vote counting. The radio station reported that the results will be released later this afternoon after independent auditors verify the vote count.

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