Africa Commission Report - A Global Partnership to Boost Economic Development

13 May 2009
Content from a Premium Partner
African Development Bank (Abidjan)
press release

The Africa Commission report was launched by the Danish Cooperation and Development Minister, Ulla Toernaes. The minister said the report was the outcome of a collective endeavor and commitment that started last year with a view to seeking solutions that could help Africa's development efforts.

The report's presentation, according to the minister, must now lead to the implementation of recommendations on the adoption of strategies to adopt in order to achieve growth and help the continent attain the MDGs. That is the objective of the Africa Commission which was created in 2008 by the Danish Prime Minister to enable the continent make the most of globalization. Comprising heads of state, experts, representatives of international and regional organizations, among others, the Africa Commission has found solutions for Africa's economic and social development.

Its targeted objectives include private sector development considered as the engine of growth, youth job creation, education, capacity building, among others. The collective ambition, the minister said, was to create a global partnership in order to bring about a new dynamic which is expected to enable the continent lay a solid continent. This, in her opinion, is fundamental if the MDGs have to be reached. After the launching, the next stage is to implement the results in order for the document not to be another "big report" that will be put in a drawer. "The expectation is above all concrete actions that will be helpful to African youths," Mrs. Ulla Toernes said.

Given the importance of youths in Africa, she said that it was essential to underscore education in order to boost the job market. She also urged the continent to make the most of globalization. She said it was essential to help the private sector for it to help drive growth and reduce poverty.

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Yvan Cliche


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