2010-2012 AfDB Adminsitrative Budget Focuses on Results, Selectivity and Knowledge Management

21 December 2009
Content from a Premium Partner
African Development Bank (Abidjan)
press release

The African Development Bank Board of Directors has recently approved the institution's administrative budget for 2010 while reaffirming the relevance of AfDB 2008-2012 Medium Term Strategy.

AfDB considers 2010 as a year of consolidation of its delivery capacity, further optimization of the use of available resources, and leveraging on demonstrated efficiency gains and trade offs. Consequently, resource requirements for 2010 have been prepared on the basis of a zero real growth scenario.

The key guiding principles for AfDB's work programme for 2010-2012 are aligned with AfDB 2008-2012 Medium Term Strategy: selectivity and high quality operations; focus on country level outputs and outcomes; and continuous improvement of knowledge generation and management.

The Programme and Budget implementation environment built on key institutional activities is aimed at enhancing the AfDB's development effectiveness. Key activities include: improving the quality assurance and results reporting systems; strengthening the risk management and financial framework; revamping the Bank's internal and external communication; reinforcing the information technonolgy platform and data management capacity; consolidating the Decentralization Programme; empowering and motivating staff; strengthening partnerships; and, enhancing regional member countries' capacity for improved governance and economic development.

For its operations, AfDB will strengthen its focus on infrastructure, governance, private sector development, and higher education, science, technology and technical and vocational training.

In doing so, the Bank will continue to promote regional integration, enhance its support to fragile states, deepen its engagement in the Middle Income Countries, and foster high impact, selective support to agricultural development while mainstreaming the cross-cutting issues of gender, environment, climate change, and knowledge in all its operational work.

In order to implement this work programme, the Board of Directors has approved an administrative budget for 2010 amounting to UA 264 million USD 425 million).


Chawki Chahed


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