President Kaberuka in Davos

27 January 2010
Content from a Premium Partner
African Development Bank (Abidjan)
press release

The President will attend the World Economic Forum Annual Meeting in Davos. These meetings bring together world leaders from Governments, International Organisations, Private Sector and think tanks as well as key media representatives to debate major issues of global concern.

In addition to key interactive panel discussions, Davos provides the opportunity for many bilateral meetings in an informal setting. It is therefore an opportunity to ensure that an African perspective is injected into key debates.

For example, President Kaberuka will participate with President Zuma and Kofi Annan in a conversation on the future of Africa. He will join a debate of leaders on the G20 proposals for a new mutual assessment framework - whether these are a major step forward in global economic governance, and the implications for financial stability and global growth.

He will participate in discussions on how to increase sustainable energy access in developing countries, and how market based solutions could help unlock progress. In sessions directly focussed on Africa, President Kaberuka will discuss the impact of the financial crisis; Africa's growth strategy; and how critical infrastructure investment gaps can be addressed.


Moktar Gaouad


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