AfDB Executive Directors Visit Botswana

4 March 2011
Content from a Premium Partner
African Development Bank (Abidjan)
press release

A 14-member delegation of the Board of Directors of the African Development Bank (AfDB) Group will undertake a consultation mission to Botswana from 7 to 9 March 2011.

This annual mission is part of a programme of visits to the Bank Group's regional member countries by the Board of Directors. The delegation will have the opportunity to exchange views with development partners, private sector representatives and civil society on development issues as well as discuss areas of further cooperation with Botswana.

Bank Group operations in Botswana are guided by its 2009-2013 Country Strategy Paper, approved by the AfDB Board in June 2009. The Strategy is built on two pillars aimed at supporting the government's efforts to diversify the economy from dependence on mining, deepening reforms and addressing infrastructure constraints to private sector development.

The first pillar seeks to promote the role of the private sector and small- and medium-scale enterprises (SMEs) in raising productive capacity, increasing income levels, diversifying the economy and broadening the benefits of growth. The second pillar aims at alleviating constraints on business activity and disincentives to investment by removing infrastructure constraints in energy, transport and water, thus enhancing competitiveness.

Ongoing Bank Group operations in Botswana amount to Units of Accounts (UA) 1,129.95 million, equivalent to USD 1,751.99, for eleven operations. The portfolio comprises two investment projects, seven capacity building/technical assistance projects, one study and one budget support operation.

Botswana belongs to one of the Bank's Southern Africa sub-region constituencies comprising Botswana, Malawi, Mauritius and Zambia. This constituency is represented at the AfDB Board by Executive Director Mohit Dhoorundhur, a Mauritian national.


Yvan Cliche

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