The African Union Concerned by the Prevailing Humanitarian Situation in Somalia

17 May 2011
Content from a Premium Partner
African Union (Addis Ababa)
press release

The Chairperson of the Commission of the African Union (AU), Dr. Jean Ping, is particularly concerned by the prevailing humanitarian situation in Somalia.

The Chairperson notes with concern that, according to humanitarian agencies, 2.4 million Somalis, almost a third of the country's population, are currently living in dire conditions, as a result of the ongoing conflict and violence, compounded by the drought affecting Somalia, one of the worst in recent memory. One in four children is reported to be suffering from acute malnutrition. There are 241,000 children who are acutely malnourished across Somalia; this is one of the highest rates in the world and double the threshold of an emergency.

The Chairperson recalls that, in his last report on the situation in Somalia, submitted to the 273rd meeting of the Peace and Security Council held in Addis Ababa, on 21 April 2011, he expressed concern about the significant reduction in overall funding levels for Somalia for the last two years between 2008 and 2010, there have been a decline of new funding of U.S.$ 178 million, approximately 41%. He notes that, out of the 529 million dollars humanitarian appeal made for this year, only a quarter has been secured to date.

Against this background, the Chairperson of the Commission strongly appeals to all AU Member States in a position to do so and to all other members of the international community to urgently provide the support required to assist the Somali people in this particularly difficult moment. The international community has the duty and obligation to assist the Somali people, who have been experiencing two decades of untold violence and suffering.

The Chairperson of the Commission seizes this opportunity to express AU's profound appreciation to all the humanitarian agencies and organizations providing assistance to the Somali people, in a very challenging security situation.

He reiterates AU's commitment to continue supporting the Somali people, particularly through the presence and strengthening of its Mission in Somalia (AMISOM).

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