AfDB President Announces Three Senior Appointments

16 February 2012
Content from a Premium Partner
African Development Bank (Abidjan)
press release

Today, the President of the African Development Bank (AfDB), Donald Kaberuka, announced three senior appointments following an international search process.

The appointments to the Bank's senior management team are:

Mr Emmanuel Mbi Chief Operating Officer

Mrs Sue Wardell Vice President, Corporate Services

Mr Tarek Rouchdy Auditor General

Emmanuel Mbi, a national of Cameroon, joins AfDB from the World Bank, where he was Director of Strategy. He brings to AfDB a unique set of leadership skills and a wealth of operational experience in different parts of Africa.

Sue Wardell, a UK national, is currently a director at the Department for International Development (DFID). She brings to AfDB, renowned talent in corporate management, a stellar track record in development issues and a deep knowledge of Africa.

Tarek Rouchdy, an Egyptian national, has wide experience in the financial sector, including a long stint as head of internal audit at AfDB's sister institution, the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development in London.

"I look forward to welcoming the three colleagues to AfDB's senior management team," said Donald Kaberuka. "They will play a major role in helping to carry forward the commendable work done by their predecessors, moving AfDB higher and anticipating future challenges," he added.

Incoming Chief Operating Officer Emmanuel Mbi said: "I am most pleased with this opportunity to serve our beloved continent in this unique role. The African Development Bank has transformed itself into one of the premier development institutions in the world. It is an honour to join and contribute to a winning team."

Commenting on her appointment as Vice President, Corporate Services, Sue Wardell said: "I am delighted to have been appointed. Over the years, I have watched the African Development Bank respond to the evolving needs of the region and have huge admiration and respect for its work and its people. I am very much looking forward to working with President Kaberuka and the Board and Staff of the Bank to deliver on its goal of making a lasting impact on the lives of the people of the African continent."

Incoming Auditor General Tarek Rouchdy said: "Returning to the continent I spent half my life in, and to be able to play such an influential role in the most critical financial institution in Africa, is quite frankly, the most exciting development and challenge of my career to date. I am eagerly looking forward to working with President Kaberuka, my new colleagues, particularly my departmental staff members, and to doing my utmost in supporting the Bank's mandate and objectives."

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