Ehealth Africa Conference - Integrating Mhealth Into Ehealth Strategy Implementation

23 February 2012
Content from a Premium Partner
African Development Bank (Abidjan)
press release

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The AfDB is Sponsoring a multi-stakeholder conference in Nairobi Kenya on the 18th and 19th of April 2012. Hosted by the Government of Kenya, in collaboration with Anadach Consulting Group and Tele-Health Society of Kenya, the conference will identify best practices and lessons learned from previous experiences of developing national eHealth strategies. One of the first of its kind in Africa, the event will also focus on integrating mHealth into eHealth strategy implementation.


eHealth encompasses the delivery of clinical information, care and services using Information Communication Technoloy (ICT). Africa has the fastest growing mobile phone market in the world with over half of all African using them. With such powerful technology already in the hands of millions, mobile technology can be used to leverage health care delivery through a number of innovative solutions using mobile devices, commonly referred to as mHealth.

For the telecommunications industry, a rapidly growing mHealth sector could represent a significant market opportunity, accelerated by the enhanced availability of java-enabled phones and mobile services in several countries.

For health and ICT entrepreneurs, this new platform creates an opportunity to develop innovative ideas that address existing problems or create new solutions to improve healthcare. Many African countries are not on track to meet the UN's Millennium Development Goals related to health so the need for innovation has never been greater.


This conference would provide an opportunity to discuss and learn from the implementation of Kenya's new eHealth strategy, encourage knowledge sharing and foster new relationships and networking opportunities, not only among Kenyan stakeholders but also with stakeholders from other parts of Africa and other regions. Some of the objectives of the conference include:

  • To promote knowledge exchange between countries that have developed national eHealth strategies and with others who are in the process of developing theirs.
  • To provide a platform for facilitating the implementation of Keya's new eHealth strategy by bringing together key stakeholders from within and outside the country.
  • To present the latest developments and innovations in m- and eHealth in Africa and other markets.

Conference Highlights

Hear the latest challenges, opportunities and successful case studies in eHealth. Topics will include:

  • A review of eHealth in Africa- opportunities & challenges.
  • The role of regulators in developing the e-Health space in Africa.
  • Successful eHealth programs from across the continent and globe-at large.
  • Support, communications and training for health workers.
  • Selecting the right partners to enable scaling up.
  • The role of the operator in eHealth.
  • Delivering innovative healthcare via mobile phones.
  • Building your business case for profitable mobile health deployments in emerging markets.

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