On Sunday, December 2, 2012, the African Development Institute (EADI) in collaboration with the Sudan Field Office (SDFO) launched a Project Implementation Workshop in Khartoum, Sudan, which will run until December 6, 2012.
In his official opening remarks, the Deputy Director General for International Financial Cooperation at the Sudanese Ministry of Finance, Mohamed Abdel Rahim, underscored the importance of the Bank's increased engagement with Sudan and appreciated the Bank's prompt response to Sudan's capacity development needs as critical and timely.
SDFO Resident Representative Abdul B. Kamara welcomed the participants and underscored the Bank's commitment and continued support to Sudan. He said the Bank's support is targeted at helping the country to overcome its current macroeconomic and development challenges, despite being in arrears with the Bank. Kamara reiterated that these efforts have culminated in four recent targeted projects in the country, including the Darfur Water Project financed by the African Water Facility, which was launched last week.
Kamara also highlighted the importance of the workshop as a critical knowledge and capacity development activity, which uniquely fulfills the Bank's role as a knowledge Bank. He reiterated that the workshop aims to enhance the skills of Sudanese officials engaged in the implementation of Bank-financed projects, as well as build the capacities of technocrats in various government ministries and departments, and key institutions, such as universities, research institutes, and NGOs and the private sector.
The team of trainers and facilitators was led by Abdul Karim Bakri of EADI, and comprised staff from the Bank's Financial Control Department (FFCO) and the Procurement and Fiduciary Services Department (ORPF), and three retired Bank staff who agreed to serve as resource persons.
The contributions of these retired Bank staff will be critical in harnessing their operational knowledge and extensive experiences in operations to benefit the participants, and in facilitating a rich discussion among the 36 participants of the workshop, mostly from Government Ministries and institutions, and the private sector.