The African Water Facility (AWF) held its 12th Governing Council meeting on November 22-23, in Tunis. The meeting narrowed in on the progress made on the implementation of the AWF Strategy 2012-2016, adopted late 2011, and on AWF's overall progress and achievements.
Specifically, the discussions revolved around the status of project approvals, disbursements, knowledge sharing, staffing, cumulative results and impacts, communications and resource mobilisation activities, the 2013 workplan and budget, as well as vision going forward, among others.
Overall, the Council congratulated the AWF team for its leadership and for taking a significant leap forward to enhance its activities and improve in all areas. The Council also invited the AWF team to continue ramping up efforts to achieve its operational objectives.
This year's meeting was chaired by Samuel Sipepa Nkomo, Zimbabwe's Minister of Water Resources Development and Management, recently appointed Chairman of the Governing Council by the African Ministers' Council on Water (AMCOW).
The meeting was attended by 11 of the 13 members of the Governing Council, as well as observers representing the AMCOW Technical Advisory Committee, development partners, and AfDB staff and managers representing various departments.
The AWF is an AMCOW initiative hosted and managed by the African Development Bank. It is governed by a Governing Council composed of 15 members, consisting of: five AWF donor group representatives (out of 15); five AMCOW representatives; one African Union representative via NEPAD; one UN-Water Africa representative; one AfDB representative.