Uganda: Empowering HIV-Positive Women in Uganda - the Kadama Widows Association in Pictures

17 June 2013

The Kadama Widows Association is an NGO that focuses on helping people affected by HIV in Uganda. Founded in Kadama in 2002, one of its main objectives is to help HIV-positive women empower themselves in managing their finances and building self-confidence. The Kadama Widows Association is partnered with Africare, a UK charity started by diaspora Ugandans. Below are a series photos from one of the Kadama Widows Association's programmes:

Women hold hands during an exercise which forms part of a regular group session at the Kadama Widows Association's (KWA) offices. During group sessions, the women, who are all living with HIV, discuss issues ranging from finance and welfare to self-confidence, and participate in activities which help them to be more independent and in control of their lives.

A safe box is unlocked between participants' feet during a training session about finance. During these sessions the women can bank their money in the safes and discuss the most effective ways to invest their savings.

A woman holds her savings account book during a finance training session.

Women listen as Tabisa Bulandina, a successful KWA beneficiary, addresses them.

Mary Mosinghi, Director of Africare, asks participants questions about their lives during a group session. As a member of the diaspora, Mary has been able to use contacts in the government, banking and medical sectors to help increase Africare's influence at a national level. Mary says: "The diaspora have a wide range of contacts, which helps to provide easy access to persons of authority as well as helping to mobilise support".

Women laugh as they take part in group exercises at the KWA offices.

Friends laugh as a blindfolded lady tries to find an empty seat by touch during a group exercise.

About the Authors

Kadama Widows Association is an NGO for health promotion operating across several districts in Eastern Uganda. It works with Africare to provide home-based care services, mobile clinics, peer support programmes and vocational skills training to disadvantaged rural communities.

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