Kenya: How to Follow Hague Trial

10 September 2013

Excerpted from an announcement of the International Criminal Court:

The opening of the trial in the case The Prosecutor v. William Samoei Ruto and Joshua Arap Sang is scheduled to take place on Tuesday, 10 September 2013, at 09:30 (The Hague local time), before Trial Chamber V(a) of the International Criminal Court (ICC).

The hearings will be held from 10 September to 4 October and from 14 October to 1 November 2013, in the presence of the accused. A schedule for further hearings will be established in due course by Trial Chamber V(a), which is composed of Judges Chile Eboe-Osuji, Presiding, Olga Herrera Carbuccia and Robert Fremr.

Mr Ruto and Mr Sang are accused of crimes against humanity (murder, deportation or forcible transfer of population and persecution) allegedly committed in Kenya in the context of the 2007-2008 post-election violence.

Webstreaming of the hearings

The hearings will be held in open session unless ordered otherwise. The proceedings can be followed with a 30-minute delay on the ICC website at:


Hearing summaries, satellite broadcast and audiovisual programmes

Audio and video recordings of the entire opening statements will be available on the same day on the ICC YouTube channel for viewing...

The English-language radio and television programme "In the Courtroom" will be available for downloading in broadcast quality on the Court's FTP server and for viewing on the ICC YouTube channel on a weekly basis.

In advance of the trial, the ICC is also producing "ICC in Focus", a new television and radio series available for downloading in broadcast quality on the Court's FTP server and for viewing on the Ruto and Sang case playlist of the ICC YouTube Channel.

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