Experts to Meet On Monitoring and Evaluation for Aid for Trade Projects

5 October 2013
press release

Addis Ababa — As the lead organization for the project, "Facilitating Effective Integration of Developing Countries in the Global Economy through Aid for Trade Schemes", the Economic Commission for Africa (ECA) will hold an Expert Group Meeting on Monitoring and Evaluation of Aid for Trade Projects on 9-10 October 2013 at the United Nations Conference Centre in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.

The project requires each of the five UN Regional Commissions (ECA, ECLAC, ESCWA, ESCAP, and ECE) to strengthen the capacity of selected developing countries and economies in transition to formulate bankable Aid for Trade (AfT) interventions. They are while also enhancing technical capacity and skills to monitor and evaluate AfT-related projects and programs at a regional level in order to ultimately boost trade. Activities in this regard include a regional workshop, an expert group meeting, plus targeted capacity building activities by each Commission, and finally an interregional forum.

In Africa, a regional workshop was organized in June, by the African Institute for Economic Development and Planning (IDEP) and the African Trade Policy Centre (ATPC), which provided technical expertise on how to formulate bankable Aid for Trade projects. Since the event, work has been carried out between participating PIDA project focal points and a technical consultant to identify gaps and assist in the development of documents on trade volume along corridors; harmonization of transport policies; study to set up management committee of corridor; among others. These documents will be considered for AfT funding. It is expected that the documents will highlight the trade components underlying their infrastructural projects, which may eventually increase their eligibility for AfT.

The Expert Group Meeting is complementary to the preceding regional workshop where experts will discuss monitoring and evaluation of Aid for Trade projects. PIDA project focal points, regional economic community representatives, public and private sector, and bilateral and multilateral donors will be in attendance.

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