Uganda: Parliamentarians Pass Anti-Gay Bill

A protest at the Ugandan mission to the United Nations: Parliament has passed the Anti-Homosexuality Bill (file photo).
20 December 2013

Cape Town — Uganda's parliament has adopted an anti-homosexuality bill that will see repeat offenders jailed for life, AFP reports.

Deputies voted overwhelmingly in favour of the text, which has been widely condemned by rights activists and Western leaders -- with US President Barack Obama describing it as "odious".

The member of parliament behind the bill, David Bahati, reportedly said a death penalty clause was dropped from the final version of the bill.

"This is a victory for Uganda. I am glad the parliament has voted against evil," he told AFP.

According to the BBC, the government knows there will be an international outcry, which could see some countries suspend aid to the country - and the bill is yet to be signed into law by President Yoweri Museveni.

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