The African Development Bank's (AfDB) Board of Executive Directors approved on Friday, June 13, 2014 in Tunis an African Development Fund (ADF) grant of US $46.2 million to support the social and economic reintegration of ex-combatants, the resolution of rural land conflicts and assistance to victims of the recent crisis in Côte d'Ivoire. The programme will be implemented over the fiscal years 2014 and 2015.
The Ivoirian Government has undertaken key reforms and policies to solve the major causes of 2002-2011 political and armed conflict (Nationality Code, Rural Land Tenure Reform) and to remedy the major consequences of the crisis such as the social and economic reintegration of ex-combatants and caring for victims. Through the Social Inclusion and Cohesion Enhancement Support Programme (PARICS), the AfDB Group is supporting the Government's policies and activities.
PARICS will allow for the social and economic integration of 15,500 ex-combatants, including 2,000 women, with at least 75% of those women to be reintegrated into profitable economic activities, as well as the demarcation of 1,761 village lands to enable about 3.5 million residents live in harmony. It will also strengthen the institutional capacities of the Dialogue, Truth and Reconciliation Committee (CDVR), the National Social Cohesion Programme (PNCS) and the Solidarity and Social Cohesion Observatory (OSCS), as well as support the installation of observation and early warning tools for social cohesion issues, enhance the coordination of cohesion policies and actions, and strengthen transparency in social cohesion. Regarding gender, the programme will help to sensitize the population on women's rights to rural land and promote the effective enforcement of the fundamental rights of Gender-Based Violence ( GBV) victims by lifting constraints on the exercise of their rights (free medical certificate, reopening of law courts). The programme will also have a significant environmental impact through the collection and recycling of non-biodegradable plastic waste.
PARICS was developed jointly by the ADF and the Ivoirian Government in close consultation with civil society, the private sector and other key development partners (European Commission, France, UN agencies, the Government of Japan and the World Bank).