Regional Economic Communities Consult On Boosting Intra-African Trade and the Continental Free Trade Area

7 July 2014
press release

Addis Ababa — The African Trade Policy Centre of the Economic Commission for Africa, in collaboration with the African Union Commission and the Secretariat of the Southern African Development Cooperation (SADC) organized a consultative meeting on the Continental Free Trade Area and Boosting Intra-African Trade on 30-31 May 2014.

The meeting addressed the current state of trade liberalisation in SADC, as well as how to implement the region's agenda for boosting intra-Africa Trade. In addition, experts presented studies on the trade potential for the Continental Free Trade Area and Boosting intra-African Trade. The meeting discussed the principles guiding the negotiations for the CFTA and addressed related institutional arrangements. Numerous technical issues and the views of the private sector views on the CFTA/BIAT were tabled. The outcome of the report will form part of the preparations for the upcoming African Minister of Trade Conference.

The forum was held as part of the outcomes of the January 2012 Summit of the African Union Heads of States and Government, who approved an Action Plan for Boosting Intra -African trade and the establishment of a Continental Free Trade Area (CFTA) by an indicative date of 2017. According to the approved Road Map, during the period 2012 to 2014, the Regional Economic Communities (RECs) that are recognized by the African Union should ensure the implementation of regional free trade agreements. During this period, it is expected that COMESA, EAC and SADC will conclude negotiations for the Tripartite Free Trade Area (TFTA) by the year 2014. ECOWAS, ECCAS, AMU, IGAD and CEN-SAD are encouraged to ensure that their regional free trade areas are working effectively to prepare to engage for negotiations that are scheduled to take place starting from 2015.

To drive the process of the implementation of these major initiatives, the Summit directed the AUC, in collaboration with the RECs and development partners, to develop a strategic framework for the implementation of the BIAT Action Plan and the CFTA.

Meanwhile, ATPC with its partners has received requests from selected Regional Economic Communities (RECs) and member States are supporting the development of national and regional action plans on BIAT. The BIAT Action Plans are targeted at addressing the constraints that limit intra- and inter- regional trade; they are also targeted at harnessing the opportunities found in trade for accelerated and sustainable economic growth and development. In this regard, additional meetings have been proposed in Morocco, Gabon, Congo and Nigeria in the coming months.

The proposed BIAT national and regional action plans will be formulated by the selected national and regional technical working groups for the development of trade related programmes and activities in priority sectors of the countries or regions. The BIAT national and regional action plans will serve as instruments for Africa's economic and development. The Action Plans are also aimed at enhancing African market integration, and increasing participation in global trade.

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