Minerals Centre Produces Guidebook for Domestication of African Mining Vision

4 September 2014
press release

Addis Ababa — The African Minerals Development Center has produced a guidebook entitled, "Country Mining Vision guidebook: domesticating the Africa Mining Vision". The guide is expected to assist member States to domesticate the Africa Mining Vision (AMV) at the national level through a multi-stakeholder consultative process that will lead to broad-based development and structural transformation.

The book was produced with the support of the Center's implementing partners, the African Union Commission, the African Development Bank and the Economic Commission for Africa (ECA), and the United Nations Development Program, following a workshop on the Methodology for the Country Mining Vision (CMV), held in Debre Zeit, Ethiopia, from 15 to 20 September.

"The alignment of AMV to a country's overall development vision should be seen as the key element in ensuring that a new paradigm of developmental mining serves medium and long-term objectives for structural economic transformation and inclusive growth," said Fatima Denton, Director, Special Initiatives Division, ECA in an opening statement.

During the workshop, there was a strong emphasis on identifying standard criteria and mechanisms for the successful design and implementation of a CMV or AMV-compliant national mineral policies.

The mission of the African Mineral Development Centre is to work with member States and their national and regional organizations in the implementation of the AMV by promoting the transformative role of mineral resources in the development of the continent through increased economic and social linkages.

The AMDC is currently supporting CMV processes in Lesotho, Mozambique, and Tanzania. Ghana and Guinea Conakry have also requested AMDC technical assistance and support in reforming their mining sector.

The AMV, adopted by AU Heads of State and Government in 2009, aims at promoting transparent, equitable and optimal exploitation of mineral resources in order to underpin broad-based sustainable growth and socio-economic development.

The Guide book will be ready for distribution in electronic form in the coming days and will provide African countries with a precious instrument for aligning their national policies and objectives to AMV goals and principles.

The workshop gathered experts in the fields of minerals development including economic and political governance, fiscal policies, environmental, geological, and development issues. Representatives from the African Union Commission, the ECA, the African Development Bank, and UNDP also participated in the exercise.

Financial and technical support for the event was provided by the German cooperation - GIZ.

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