Zimbabwe: State Media Claims Mugabe Assassination Plot

President Robert Mugabe at Heroes day celebrations.
16 November 2014

The state-owned  'The Sunday Mail' has reported that the Vice President Joice Mujuru was at the centre of a plot to assassinate President Mugabe making "her continued incumbency untenable."

The report alleges that "two of the VP's closest allies – former Zanu-PF spokesperson Rugare Gumbo and current secretary for administration Didymus Mutasa – have recently spoken of assassinating President Mugabe" and "there is no way VP Mujuru can be separated from the intentions of her closest allies."

The story claims further that a Cabinet minister from Mashonaland Central who is Joice Mujuru's ally "made contingencies for such a scenario during recent meetings with potential hitmen in South Africa and Israel."

According to the report "the police should act swiftly on the matter" suggesting Mujuru's possible arrest.

Mujuru has suffered attacks from the state media in recent weeks with President Robert Mugabe's wife Grace, also calling for her resignation.

Analysts have described media attacks on the vice president as part of ruling party's factional war ahead of  the December congress.

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