North African Experts Discuss Financing of Regional Development

2 March 2015
press release

Rabat — More than 150 specialists, government representatives, business representatives and civil society activists from seven North African countries will gather in Morocco from 3 to 6 March 2015 to debate on the theme: "Implementing Agenda 2063 for the development of Africa - Planning, Mobilizing and Financing for Development". This event will take place as part of the 30th session of ECA-North Africa's International Committee of Experts at Hotel Tour Hassan in Rabat.

Over four days, participants will examine the 2014 ECA report on the evolution of economic and social conditions in North Africa. They will discuss how trade can help industrialize economies in sessions dedicated to the themes "International Transport and trade facilitation in North Africa" and "Developing regional value chains to accelerate the diversification and sophistication of North African economies". They will also examine Agenda 2063 for the Development of Africa and evaluate North Africa's ability to mobilize the resources needed to fund its economies on the long term.

This event is taking place is a complex regional geopolitical context marked by the decrease in primary commodity prices and the impact of weak growth in Europe, North Africa's main trade partner. "Our countries' structure is making them excessively dependent on primary goods, and therefore vulnerable to external chocks. The strong decrease in oil prices and other basic commodities, the impact it had on some economies is a good illustration of this. This meeting will allow participants to consider and analyze available options and opportunities to diversify and restructure these economies", said Mrs Karima Bounemra Ben Soltane, Director of the ECA North Africa Office ahead the meeting.

A round table will also take place on 4-5 March on the theme: "Strategy for a sustainable green economy in North Africa". Based on the Rio principles, green economy aims to optimize the use of resources, generate jobs and new income sources and improve the wellbeing of populations. In North Africa, national economic performances are often based on the exploitation of natural resources, which generate small profits despite their potentially high environmental costs.

The Economic Commission for Africa (ECA) is one of the five regional commissions of the UN Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC). ECA's office in North Africa supports the sub-region's development by helping its countries (Algeria, Egypt, Libya, Mauritania, Morocco, Tunisia and Sudan) formulate and apply policies and programs to achieve economic and social change.


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