Over Four in Five Say Economic Commission for Africa Research High Quality, Survey Finds

2 April 2015
press release

A March 2015 external independent service provider study found ECA knowledge products are perceived as high quality and effective with reliable and relevant policy ideas but that ECA training for enhancing the skills of respondents' organizations can be improved.

Addis Ababa, 1 April 2015 (ECA) - More than 80% of the 228 polled said ECA research papers are of consistently high quality with a further 84% saying ECA's knowledge products are effective in promoting discussion on Africa's transformative agenda. ECA's knowledge products receive a 74% endorsement on their effectiveness in strengthening networks.

The 81% approval rate on ECA research applying cutting edge understanding of African development policy issues seals the idea of ECA as a leading think-tank on pertinent regional issues. ECA research papers address change paths and capacity dimensions say three in four respondents. Close to 90% of respondents find that ECA generates reliable and relevant policy ideas.

That ECA places a special focus on collecting up-to-date and original regional statistics to ground its policy research and advocacy on clear objective evidence can be seen through 76% of respondents agreeing that ECA statistics are of consistently high quality with 69% saying the statistics address capacity dimensions.

ECA supports member states by focusing on promoting policy consensus; providing meaningful capacity development; and providing advisory services on industrialisation, macroeconomic policy, development planning and mineral resource contract negotiations among other issues. The survey found that four fifths of ECA partners agree that ECA's knowledge products are effective in providing advisory services.

ECA is credited for applying a cutting edge understanding of African developmentpolicy issues and generating reliable and relevant policy ideas and as such is seen as a reliable and constructive partner by 77% of respondents. Moreover, two in three of those polled say ECA is as a transparent and accountable partner.

Despite the overwhelmingly positive response to the survey, a few areas remain a challenge. Gender mainstreaming activities are more visible in social development policy than in other policies with 30% of participants not knowing how to assess ECA Gender Equality efforts. One in five respondents believe skills and capacities development in partners' organisations require improvement.

The results of this study whose aim was to solicit opinion from ECA's partners such as ministries from member states; research and academia; non-profit sector; and national institutions, on the influence made by ECA on knowledge generation and delivery will help refine actions for supporting ECA partners.


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