Launch of the ICB 2015 Forum - Invest in Congo Brazzaville

27 May 2015
Content from a Premium Partner
African Media Agency (New York)
press release

The international forum for investments in the Congo: a must-attend event for investments in Central Africa

African Media Agency (AMA)/- Industrialisation, diversification and modernisation are the watchwords of the Congo's growth dynamic. They are also at the heart of the ICB 2015 Forum - Invest in Congo Brazzaville, which will be held from 19 to 21 November 2015 at the Palais des Congrès in Brazzaville, under the high patronage of His Excellency Denis Sassou N'Guesso, President of the Republic of the Congo.

The ICB 2015 Forum is being held as part of the Congo's economic diversification strategy. Launched in the framework of the 2012-2016 National Development Plan, this strategy has been focusing on the implementation of significant infrastructure projects and a number of reforms aimed at improving the business environment. These achievements, essential for building a stronger economic environment conducive to developing the private sector, now make it possible to organise this first ever event promoting investments opportunities in the Congo.

At a time when Africa is taking an increasing share of international trade, the Congo is aspiring to capitalise on the dynamism of its economy, its natural resources and its strategic position as a natural door to Central Africa to boost its development. With an average annual growth rate of 5.3% over the last five years and a GDP per capita of $3200, the Congo also has one of the most dynamic economies in French-speaking sub-Saharan Africa. The 2012-2016 NDP underlines this desire to consolidate, open and diversify the Congolese economy. It opens important investment prospects in promising industries, which have been identified as genuine means to foster growth and employment: agriculture and agro-industry, forestry and the wood industry, mines, hydrocarbons, public works and construction, tourism and the hotel industry, and financial services.

A true platform for growth and opportunities, the ICB 2015 Forum will offer three days of high-level conferences and discussions with key players in the Congolese economy. Over 800 leading participants, exhibitors, expert speakers, investors and decision-makers from Africa and the entire world will come to Brazzaville to discover the country's economic potential as well as a multitude of investment opportunities in all activity sectors.

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