Africa's Business and Government Elite to Discuss Development Goals and African Union's Agenda 2063 at Exclusive Africa Investor Summit in New York at UN General Assembly

16 September 2015
Content from a Premium Partner
Africa Investor (Sandton)
press release

Nairobi, Kenya; Cairo, Egypt; Lagos, Nigeria; Johannesburg, South Africa; London, UK; New York, USA; 16 September 2015: Africa investor (Ai), a leading international investment and communications group, today announced that it will be hosting an exclusive gathering of
Africa’s most influential business and government leaders to discuss the sustainable development goals and the African Unions Agenda 2063.

The exclusive 8th Africa investor (Ai) CEO Investment Summit will take place on the 24th-25th of September during the week of the UN General Assembly. The Summit will present a historic business statement that will restate business’s commitment to tackling poverty in Africa and will call for the harmonisation of goals between the Financing for Development (FfD) agenda and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in support of the implementation of the African Union’s Agenda 2063.

Commenting on the African Development Business Statement, Hubert Danso, CEO and Vice Chairman of Africa investor, said, “The private sector is a critical partner in the fight against poverty in Africa and seeks to be more effectively engaged by development partners. To optimise the development impact business can have, there is an urgent need for clarity on the sequence and interrelationship of the Financing for Development Agenda, the UN Sustainable Development Goals and the first 15 years of the African Union’s Agenda 2063, especially on the issues of infrastructure development, women’s empowerment, innovation and technology,entrepreneurship and capital market development.”

He continued, “Africa investor is pleased to be able to provide the leadership and a platform on which business leaders can have a voice on the role of business in the implementation of the Financing for Development Agenda, the UN Sustainable Development Goals and the African Union’s Agenda 2063.”

The Ai CEO Investment Summit is an annual, invitation-only CEO business and government forum, designed to facilitate action, to highlight and enhance Africa’s investment climate, trade competitiveness and job creation, as well as shed light on Africa’s investment success stories.

The Summit will comprise a number of CEO-led panels that will showcase high-growth opportunity sectors, and will include feedback from public and private sector leaders working on these issues. Attendees and speakers will include high-level international and domestic leaders from business and government with Africa’s private sector development as high priority.

The Summit will host an African Heads of State and Government Investment Working Lunch, jointly organised by Africa investor, the United Nations Office of the Special Adviser on Africa (OSAA) and the Global Partnerships Forum. In addition, there will also be a closed door institutional investor roadshow day, which will facilitate one-on-one meetings between African companies and global institutional investors.

The 8th Ai CEO Investment Summit, and the Ai-UNOSAA-GPF African Heads of State and Government Investment Working Lunch, will take place on the 24th of September at the Thomson Reuters offices at 195 Broadway, New York.

For more information, or to register, please contact Precious Nkandu at or +27 11 783 2431.

For more information on the Ai CEO Investment Summit and Ai Investment & Business Leader Awards, contact Catherine Wright on +27 11 783 2431 or

About Africa investor - Africa investor is a specialist investment and communications firm advising governments, international organisations and businesses on strategies for capital market and foreign direct investments in Africa. Africa investor publishes Africa investor, the leading international newsstand magazine for Africa’s investment decision makers; maintains the Africa investor 40 Investors’ Index, hosts the Ai Index Series Summit & Awards and the Africa investor Infrastructure Projects Summit & Awards, among other events.

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