Africa Rising - Tedros Elected to Head WHO by Wide Margin

Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus
23 May 2017

Cape Town — After a bruising end to an aggressive campaign, Africa's choice to lead the UN World Health Organization prevailed over Britain's candidate David Nabarro at the World Health Assembly in Geneva Tuesday. The final vote was 133 for Ethiopia's former health minister to 50 for Nabarro, with each member state having one vote.

SEE: WHO Vote – Will It Save Our Lives

Africans bear a disproportionate burden of global health problems, but no African has, until now, led a major international health institution. The selection of the WHO Director-General was the most democratic and transparent yet. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus had near-solid support from Africa and substantial backing in other regions, particularly among health professionals who knew his record of accomplishments or who had worked with him on such issues as increasing vaccination rates in poor countries.

There will be analyses and critiques of the process and examination of the last-minute charges and counter-charges among supporters of the final two contenders. But, as hard-fought as the campaign was, the most difficult challenges for Tedros lie ahead. He has vowed to transform a cumbersome bureaucracy into a responsive, agile organization - one that responds to acute crises while promoting the right to health care for every person everywhere.

For now, though, those who put their hopes in his commitment and ability are rejoicing. A few of the Twitter responses from supporters:

Final vote tally: 133 votes & 50 votes. Dr. Tedros won by 68.56% to 25.77% or a margin of 42.79% or 83 votes.

victory is phenomenal. His capability, humbleness & humility wins over negativity, sidekicks, dirty tricks...

Retweeted Nicole Schiegg: Victory . is of principle, humility, substance,courage over arrogance, sordid power, naked ambition. Now real work starts .

Abreha Retweeted Devex - Congratulations & to all who need a safer&healthier world. Facts matter. Truth finally prevailed &the capable person is the

 Tedros is the first African to head the World Health Organisation.

Tedros is a excellent choice to lead WHO! Remarkable progress in Ethiopia; same needed . Govts & orgs around world need to support WHO.


World Health Assembly Elects Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus as New WHO Director-General

High-Stakes Vote as WHO Chooses Leader

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