African Community of Practice Project Trains Senior Government Officials On Rapid Results Initiative

1 June 2017
Content from a Premium Partner
African Development Bank (Abidjan)

The African Community of Practice (AfCoP) on Managing for Development Results (MfDR), at the African Development Bank (AfDB) in the Delivery, Performance Management and Results Department, organized a two-day training event from May 11-12 2017 in Abidjan, Côte d'Ivoire.

The participants in this training included senior government officials and Bank focal points. The purpose of training was to teach the Rapid Results Initiatives (RRI), a tool that helps to integrate managing for development results (MfDR) in Regional Member countries, so as to bring change in lives of Africans, in line with the AfDB's High 5 Priorities.

At the opening of the training, Victoria Chisala, Division Manager, Corporate Performance and Accountability at the Bank and Coordinator of the AfCoP project, underlined the AfDB's commitment to promote the results culture in Africa.

This training, which is part of the AfCoP project activities, complements the capacity-building actions on Managing for Development Results (MfDR) undertaken by the project at the highest level of African States. Indeed, the will to achieve results continues to transform the African continent, leading to more focused and capable states. Since the launch of the Afirk4R initiative in 2012, a flagship initiative of the AfCoP project, countries and regional economic communities (RECs) have made great strides in implementing a common roadmap.

Given its mandate to promote economic integration in Africa and to serve as a model of excellence for Africa's development, the AfDB, in partnership with the African Capacity Building Foundation (ACBF), provides support to the AfCoP to strengthen countries and RECs capacity to accelerate the implementation of regional policies through the use of MfDR tools and principles.

The objective of the training was to (i) introduce the main results obtained through the IRRs in the nine respective countries of the participants, (ii) share the lessons learned on what works and what doesn't, (iii) Train Country and AfDB Focal Points on the Rapid Results Approach and share best practices from Afrik4R initiative. For the Bank, the delivery of development results is at the heart of its mandate and therefore it continues to build the capacity of its member countries through AfCoP. The purpose of the project is to develop a results-oriented performance culture, which is a prerequisite for achieving real developmental impact.

The training and planning event on Rapid Results Approach was an opportunity for Afrik4R Country and AfDB Focal Points to share experiences. Participants included those who had adopted the approach and implemented it at pilot or large scale in relation to their National Development Plans. They were able to provide an analysis of their successes and challenges and provide lessons learnt to other countries which are in the process of implementing this approach very soon for the benefit of their populations.

Two reports on the state of the development of results-based management in the regions of COMESA UEMOA are available on the link below:


AfriK4R COMESA Report FR

AfriK4R COMESA Report EN

For information on the AfriK4R initiative and AfCoP, please visit the AfCoP website:

Launched in 2007, the African Community of Practice (AfCoP) is a coalition of over 4,000 development leaders and practitioners from 68 countries globally. Its objectives are to share lessons learnt, experiences and best practices on Managing for Development Results (MfDR) in Africa. AfCoP members work for African governments, civil society, and as independent experts in the field. The African Development Bank (AfDB), in partnership with the African Capacity Building Foundation (ACBF), is supporting AfCoP in mainstreaming MfDR on the continent.

On AfriK4R

The Africa for Results (AfriK4R) initiative which was initiated in 2012 is the AfCoP's flagship program. It aims at promoting regional integration in Africa through an approach of public finance management based on managing for development results (MfDR) principles and practices. To date, 17 countries have committed to the AfriK4R initiative, namely Benin, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Côte d'Ivoire, DR Congo, Kenya, Madagascar, Malawi, Mali, Mauritania, Niger, Senegal, Tanzania, Togo, Uganda, Zambia, and Zimbabwe. The WAEMU and COMESA regional economic communities are also partners on the AfriK4R initiative.


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