The 8th Forum Afrique Expansion Will Bring Together More than 500 African and Canadian Decision Makers in Montreal on October 2 and 3

Afrique Expansion
Afrique Expansion
18 September 2017
Content from a Premium Partner
Afrique Expansion (Québec)

The 8th edition of Forum Afrique Expansion(formerly Forum Africa) will be held October 2 and 3, 2017 at Montreal's Sheraton Centre. The biennial event, organized by consulting firm Afrique Expansion with the support of the African Development Bank, will host over 500 African and Canadian investors, entrepreneurs and decision makers looking to forge partnerships and discuss business opportunities in Africa and Canada.

"Now is the time to venture out and invest in Africa," enthuses Amina Gerba, the event's president and driving force. "With one of the strongest economic growths in the world and a diverse wealth of resources, Africa has much to offer, and the Forum is the ultimate place to learn about the African reality and the exciting business opportunities there."

Some 20 African countries will be represented this year. Morocco, which boasts one of the most thriving economies on the continent, will be the featured country.

Spotlight on Morocco  

As featured country, Morocco will have an opportunity to showcase its chief assets, under the aegis of Maroc Export (the Moroccan centre for the promotion of exports). A sizeable delegation of some 30 Moroccan businesses will attend the Forum, and the October 3 session will be dedicated to discovering the resources and possibilities for exports and investment this booming country has to offer.

New at the 2017 edition of Forum Afrique Expansion

Espace Innovation will present the innovations of African and Canadian businesses seeking to solve the social problems of Africa. Worth noting in this regard is a promising invention by Ivorian Évariste Akoumian, the Solarpak, a backpack equipped with a solar panel and an LED lamp that makes it possible for students in rural regions to study after the sun goes down.

Espace Investissement&Financement will bring together investment agencies and financial institutions to promote their respective countries, products and services to project bearers and investors interested in establishing themselves in African markets.

Other highlights of the 8th edition

The always popular B2B meetings will bring together local and African businesspeople working in fields as diverse as digital technology and applications, consumer goods, agri-food, energy, education, aeronautics, construction, transportation, mining, and more.

The unveiling—a Forum scoop—of the details surrounding the Africa-Canada Deal of the Year, namely the creation of a digital corridor between Québec, Canada and Cameroon.

The Afrique Expansion gala evening will acknowledge those businesses, institutions or individuals that have made exceptional contributions to Africa's development in the past two years. Three awards shall be distributed in the following categories: Import-Export, Africa-Canada Parntership, and Diaspora.

Public concert: Opera singer Jacques-Greg Belobo sings about his life 

With accompaniment by masterful pianist Louise-Andrée Baril, the intimate concert I Believe, a prelude to the Forum, will showcase bass-baritone Jacques-Greg Belobo and soprano Marie-Josée Lord. Through song, Belobo will relate the story of his life, from his humble origins in Yaoundé, Cameroonto the current acclaim he enjoys on the world opera stage. Through his performance, he delivers a message of hope to Africa's youth. Indeed, he dreams of building a music conservatory in his native Cameroon. At the Pierre Mercure Hall of the Pierre Péladeau Centre, October 1 at 3 p.m.  Tickets on sale through the Admission network: or 1-855-790-1245.

To find out more about the Forum's activities and to register:

About Forum Afrique Expansion

Launched in 2003, Forum Afrique Expansion is the only networking platform in Canada dedicated to Africa-Canada partnerships and business opportunities. The biennial Montreal event, which is organized by Afrique Expansion with support from the African Development Bank, facilitates the creation of ties between African project bearers and Québec and Canadian businesspeople. As well, it helps participants familiarize themselves with the political situation and business climate of African countries.

About Afrique Expansion

Founded in 1995, Afrique Expansion is a communications firm with a mission to develop partnerships between African and North American businesses. The firm provides a full range of advisory services in the field of governmental and public relations to organizations interested in African markets. Since 1998, the group also publishes the business review Afrique Expansion Magazine, which has become the North American publication of reference for economic information on Africa.

For media accreditation or to arrange for an interview with Amina Gerba or Danièle Henkel, kindly contact Katherine Sdicu at 514-845-8222, ext. 224.

Source: Afrique Expansion

Information: Stéphanie Quirion

Kilicom Public Relations

514-845-8222, ext. 223

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