Idep Invites Debate On "What Transformative Agriculture for Africa's Future?"

25 October 2017

Dakar — IDEP) - Within the framework of the African Institute for Economic Development and Planning (IDEP) development seminar series, a high level round table dialogue on "What transformative agriculture for Africa's future?" will gather decision makers, officials and experts from African countries and international organizations, private sector, academia and researchers working on issues related to agricultural development on the continent.

The Ministry of Agriculture and rural infrastructure of Senegal, the African Development Bank and the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization will participate in this important event and will speak on their respective programme for strengthening food security and agricultural development at national and continental levels. A study on Ethiopia's experience in the emergence of floriculture, as well as a programme for agriculture and agro-industry development in a municipality in Senegal will be presented.

Participants will discuss the fresh momentum required for rethinking the agricultural sector and the opportunities open to decision makers and economic operators for agricultural transformation on the continent. The purpose of this important event is to make a contribution to the reflection on Africa's agricultural development.

The meeting will allow reflecting on the ways and means to tackle the challenges of Africa's agricultural development to better play its role for food sovereignty and structural transformation of economies.

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