The Constituency for Africa (CFA) has worked for nearly 30 years to build a base of support for Africa in the United States and throughout the African Diaspora. The mission of CFA is to inform and educate the public and key stakeholders about critical issues and concerns facing Africa and African people. CFA has consistently worked on a non-partisan basis, and has engaged on its Board of Directors over the years such high-worthy individuals with international stature as Ambassador Andrew Young, Honorable Jack Kemp, Dr. Dorothy I. Height, Ambassador Herman J. Cohen, Congressman Mervyn Dymally, Ambassador Terrence Todman, Congressman Ron Dellums, Mayor David N. Dinkins, Dr. Ron Walters, Dr. Roscoe M. Moore, Jr., and many others.
Over three decades CFA has been in the forefront in providing leadership and has been engaged in every major issue concerning Africa including the African Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA), efforts to address HIV/AIDS in Africa and the global pandemic, efforts to promote peace and security in Sudan, as well as President Obama’s efforts to empower and promote the next generation of leadership in Africa (YALI). We are indeed very proud of our work and our accomplishments over the many years!
CFA’s Board of Directors and President are indeed shocked and appalled by President Trump’s remarks labeling countries in Africa, as well as Haiti and El Salvador, with populations from the African Diaspora, as “shithole countries”! Use of this term is deemed to be wholly inappropriate and totally disrespectful to these countries and by extension to black and brown people in the United States and around the world. Moreover, his remarks display a level of willful ignorance that will negatively affect US – Africa relations across the spectra of diplomacy, business, security and more, for some time to come. As an organization that focuses on Africa and the Diaspora, we are offended by the President’s callous and uninformed remarks. We are also deeply troubled by the significant setback these words will have on our many years of effort to promote positive relations between the US and Africa, the Caribbean and other countries in the Diaspora.
In spite of these very unfortunate remarks by President Trump, CFA remains committed to its mission to strengthen positive relations between the US, Africa and its global Diaspora wherever they are found.