Zimbabwe: Coup Joke - Was It Too Soon For Mugabe?

23 April 2018

In a video that has been doing the rounds on social media, former president Robert Mugabe appears to be half asleep during his nephew's joke.

Former Zimbabwe Football Association (Zifa) chairperson Leo Mugabe tells his uncle that he was also removed from office through a "coup".

Leo says he only heard that he was no longer the Zifa chairperson while in Nigeria.

"I was in Nigeria for women's football then I saw reporters following us, and I thought to myself this was unusual. They said to me, there's been a coup, you're no longer Zifa chairman. I couldn't believe it as I had been heading the football body for 10 years, so uncle, we are a family of coup victims," he said.

People around the table burst into laughter, but Mugabe's reaction seems muted.

Zimbabweans and other avid Mugabe watchers were quick to share their views - some funny and others just relieved that Robert Mugabe is no longer in power:

Tafadzwa Raymond: Leo Mugabe on the 0% chill tip ...You can see Bob is not impressed LMAO

@4thCybermurenga: So Mugabe's family were convinced that he had overstayed his welcome.

Kahn Darnell Faz: He looks dead 😂😂

Taffie Mawoyo Mgaviri: He wasn't listening

starksndee: Mugabe doing the mannequin challenge 😂😂😂

Tim Ziki: He still thinks he has power lol

Spencer Marange: Where is grace?

Trends SADC: Leo Mugabe pokes fun of Robert Mugabe about the Nov Coup. Mugabe looks slightly bemused as the entire table laughs hysterically. The Old man really wanted to die in Power. Good riddance to Terror & dictatorship he is lucky to be still alive. Never again Zimbabwe, Never Again.

Fox Sheba Gava: The uncle isn't yet ready, Leo has bolted a little early. The change and hurt that rose as Leo played what he thought was a strike of humor and genius was actually a man going straight for the knife.

Hopewell Chin'ono: Leo Mugabe cracks a joke about the coup and his uncle Robert Mugabe resolutely refuses to find anything funny about the joke. At least he has family to entertain him unlike many whose families were divided by his ruinous rule.

Until five months ago‚ Mugabe was the only president that Zimbabweans had known since it achieved independence from Britain in 1980. In November 2017‚ he was forced out of power after 37 years, through military intervention.

Mugabe has now been told to appear before a parliamentary committee on May 9, to explain his claim that billions of dollars' worth of diamond revenue went missing when he was still in power.
If he attends, it'll be the 94-year-old's first public appearance since he was removed from power.

Meanwhile, Zimbabwean police are investigating former First Lady Grace Mugabe, accused of smuggling ivory worth millions to underground foreign markets.

Reports are also suggesting that Mugabe is a victim of spousal abuse.

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