ECA and Sudan Agree to Strengthen Cooperation

5 May 2018

Addis-Ababa — In a bilateral meeting held today on the margins of the 51st Conference of African Ministers of Finance, Planning and Economic Development, the Economic Commission for Africa and the Republic of Sudan agreed today to strengthen their cooperation in support to the country.

Led by ECA's Deputy Executive Secretary Abdalla Hamdok and Sudanese Minister of State Magdi Hassan Yassin, both delegations examined several potential areas for cooperation such as capital market development, awareness raising among Sudanese stakeholders on the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA) implementation process, the inclusion of Agenda 2030 and 2063 in national strategies, debt management and the strengthening of the existing cooperation with the African Institute for Economic Development and Planning (IDEP) for the training of the country's civil servants.

The meeting was held with the participation of the ECA directors in charge of macroeconomic policies, regional integration and trade, capacity development, the African Institute for economic development and planning (IDEP) and the Office for North Africa.

The meeting agreed to entrust the ECA Office for North Africa with the coordination of technical assistance activities and the strengthening of ECA capacities in support to the Republic of Sudan.

ECA held its 51st Conference of African ministers of Finance, Planning and Economic Development on 11-15 May 2018 in Addis Ababa under the theme: "The African Continental Free Trade Area: creating fiscal space for jobs and economic diversification".

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