Rethink the Agricultural Policies in Africa

14 May 2018

Number of countries in Africa have developed good agricultural policies but, immense challenges still remain, both in the implementation, that of the adaptability of these policies in the face of certain factors related to the climate and to the socio-political context among others.

The need to align the 2030 and 2063 Agendas and to join in the new context of regionalization with the signing of the agreement of Kigali, has led the African Institute for Economic Development and Planning (IDEP) to maintain and organize again this year, its course on the "Agricultural Policy in Africa". For this year, the training will take place from 07 to 18 May 2018 in the premises of the Institute.

Twenty-eight (22) African administrators of policy of the intermediate and higher levels, directly linked to or in charge of the planning, design, management, monitoring and evaluation of policy on agricultural issues and food security are involved in this training on behalf of their governments.

During the opening ceremony, this 07 May 2018, in the premises of the IDEP, the Director of IDEP, Mrs. Karima Bounemra Ben Soltane, has not failed to magnify the diversity of nationalities which constitute the group of participants, but also, the more to have participants who are working at the regional level. In effect for Mrs Ben Soltane, the challenges being plurals and multiple, it's important that a strong network is in place so that everyone can benefit from the experiences of others.

Following the many expectations that have been raised, including : how to circumvent the difficulties of implementation of policies, the development of sustainable policies and adapted to the continent, the improvement of productivity and competitiveness to boost exports, etc., the Director of IDEP has put the emphasis on the need to rethink the agricultural policies in a framework of structural transformation, the establishment of the ZLEC, the integration of the green and blue economies. In effect, this sector which has always been intended for rural populations could take advantage of all this in order to make it more attractive for a youth in a lot of jobs. It's therefore necessary, to align the 2030 and 2063 Agendas to move toward a harmonious combination of the transformation and industrialization, without forgetting the relationship between agriculture and green economy.

The Course Director, Dr. Rugube reiterated all his pleasure to be part of the pedagogical team of this course. It indicates that agriculture remains despite everything, the main source of foreign currency and a powerful engine of economic development, in the light of our populations to rural majority.

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