Promoting Private Sector Development As a Driver of Regional Integration in Southern Africa

6 June 2018

Lusaka — The Economic Commission for Africa (ECA) Office for Southern Africa in collaboration with the African Union Southern Africa Regional Office (AU-SARO) and Africa Business Group (ABG) is organising the Southern Africa Regional Integration Stakeholder Forum under the theme: "The Private Sector and Regional Integration in Southern Africa: Accelerating Opportunities for Investment and Growth" from June 11-13, 2018 at Sunbird Capital Hotel, Lilongwe, Malawi.

The objective of the Forum is to discuss how the private sector can be a major driver of the regional integration project in Southern Africa and what are the opportunities for accelerated growth and investments for the private sector in the process. As regional integration seeks to open up national borders for trade and investments, the private sector should position itself as a key actor and beneficiary of the process. In developing the private sector in the region, more jobs will be created, government revenue enhanced through increased taxation, and better living standards assured for the citizens.

Participants will also discuss key issues and challenges pertaining to the alignment of the regional integration agenda with the central role of the private sector in the regional economic development process.

The Forum will be attended by high-level government officials especially from the trade and industry departments, representatives of the private sector in Southern Africa, regional financial institutions including development banks, SMEs, Logistics Companies, development partners, corridor management institutions, private equity firms, insurance, private equity firms, insurance, Regional Economic Communities (RECs) as well as bilateral and multilateral development partners active in Southern Africa.

The Forum will be facilitated by the presentation of a background research paper on the theme of the meeting with several panels and breakout sessions along sectoral lines-manufacturing, agriculture, financial sector, infrastructure etc. An outcome statement outlining clear agenda and roadmap for better private sector involvement in regional integration processes as well as a comprehensive report will be published and well circulated, following the deliberations.

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